How to have less stress and more balance
Recently, I've been feeling stuck in a repetitive cycle, similar to a hamster running on a wheel without making any progress. It takes constant surrender, connecting with something larger than myself, turning off my head, and moving my feet to make any real...
The Perfect Self-Love Regimen when Your On the Verge of Burnout
You know you need to make yourself more of a priority and treat yourself better. But that inner voice keeps telling you that you’ll have more time once you get through this one big push - the thing that has you chained to the endless cycle of empty promises to...
Why Meditation Might Not Work for You
It's no secret that meditation is touted to be a powerful way to reduce stress and provide a multitude of various wellness benefit from lowering blood pressure, increasing productivity, and even helping with weight loss. Science is discovering more and more...
5 Mistakes Commonly Made When Stressed Out
When you start to get stressed out does it ever seem like life starts to come at you from all directions? If you are nodding your head "yes", you're not alone. It can seem like the minute something stressful heads our way, we seem to attract more and more of...
5 Easy Ways to Stop Letting Stress Sabotage Your Self-Love Journey
I was in my late 20's when I learned that when we're able to effectively love ourselves, stress just about vanishes. Think about it. If you've got a healthy, loving relationship with yourself, you hold boundaries around your time, you don't let the world weigh...
9 Simple Ways to Kick Fear to the Curb
From time to time it hits me that I've traveled the country for two years speaking about holistic health, stress management, essential oils, and business, have two meditation podcasts - I which has consistently been in the top 100 in iTunes Alternative Health,...
Letting Go of the Weight of the World: 6 Ways to Let Go of Perfection
Do you ever procrastinate on a project because you haven't figured out how to best do it? Are you hyper critical of everything you do? Do you set lofty goals and beat yourself up or even give up when you don't achieve them? I call this standing in your...
Self-Love: Your Secret Weapon Against Stress and Anxiety
Stress and anxiety often go hand in hand. When you feel stressed or anxious, your physical and mental well-being can suffer - You're definitely not living your best quality of life if you experience these things on a regular basis. Learning to love yourself can...
10 Simple Ways to Break the Cycle of Being Too Busy
August has always been one of the most chaotic times of year in my household. Between kids going back to school, winding down from the summer, and my allergies setting off a POTS flare up, it's usually busy and I'm usually under the weather. This year has...
10 Simple Ways to Relieve Stress without Medication
Stress can sneak up out of nowhere and take hold of every area of your life. It's easy to prepare and keep an eye out for stress when you've got a big event coming up, but what about the stress that comes on like a ninja in the shadows? Sneaking up in ways you never...
5 Ways to Add Balance to Your Life Today
Balance... does it even exist? It sure does! Thing is, when it comes to trying to find balance in our lives, most people overshoot the mark, focus solely on one area - creating a whole new imbalance, or have given up entirely. What even is...
Ways to Naturally Calm Anxiety
Anxiety. If you've ever lived with it, you know how crippling it can be. If you've ever lived with it without knowing that it was anxiety... you may have found yourself wondering if you were losing your mind. Questioning if there was something wrong with you,...
Reclaiming Your Life No Matter What
A few years ago, my entire life was turned upside down by a series of events. The biggest thing was getting really sick and eventually discovering I had POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia), Dysautonomia, EDS (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome), and a host of other...
Meditation Helps Everything – My Meditation Journey Both as an Addict and Sober
[et_pb_divi_atm bullet_image="" bullet_width="15" bullet_height="15" admin_label="Advanced Text" _builder_version="3.0.47" text_font_size_tablet="51" text_line_height_tablet="2"]What does...
7 Easy Ways to Reboot a Healthy Life
Some people think that a healthy weight, feeling good, looking good, and such is something that happens when you eat right and workout. To an extent that's true, but there is a bit more than that involved. Chances are if you are reading, you are already pretty aware...
When New Year Resolutions Wear Thin
It's almost a full month into the new year, so let's get real here... How are you doing on that resolution you made back on January 1st? I am going to be honest, I don't make resolutions anymore. Three weeks was about the half-life of my resolutions and they...
Embrace You & Always Remember to Shine
I remember the first event I went to where I knew there would be other health and wellness professionals present and I was terrified! In my mind, my authentic self just didn't measure up. I’ve worked in the field for over a decade, but as I have not mastered the art...
Stay Ahead of the Curve this Holiday Season
A lot of people tend to backslide on their wellness, fitness, and weight loss goals over the holiday season. It is a bit easier to justify when you are super busy and the New Year is right around the corner, along with New Year's resolutions. It's one of the meanest...
Be Kind to You: Don’t Write “Checks” Today You Won’t Want to Cash Tomorrow
It may surprise you to learn that this holistic health coach used to live by the "everything is going to kill you so why bother" mentality. I used to joke about that as I ate food that wasn't really food, when I would light up a cigarette, when I'd get the generic...
Letting Go of the Weight of the World: 6 Ways to Let Go of Perfectionism
Do you ever procrastinate on a project because you haven't figured out how to best do it? Are you hyper critical of everything you do? Do you set lofty goals and beat yourself up or even give up when you don't achieve them? I call this standing in my own way. My life...
Nurture the Superhero in You Every now and then there comes along a song that really moves me and burns into my soul. I am not sure if it where I am at in my life or not, but this one really resonates in me and inspire me to persevere. Lately I...
When Your Life No Longer Fits You
I am full of dreams, ideas, plans… and I usually put them into motion. However, life sometimes has different plans. I am not sure when exactly it happened, but somewhere in my early adult life (probably after making TONS of really bad life decisions) I realized and it...
No One Is an Island – Why Your “Tribe” is Important
Have you ever gotten lost in your thoughts or felt it absolutely necessary to figure out how to do something all on your own? For some reason, this is how I am naturally programmed. At some point I decided that it was necessary to be 100% self-reliant. Perhaps it is...
Scatter Brain Syndrome
Ever experience so much overwhelm it seems like no matter what you do, you don't make any progress? As a born perfectionist and overachiever, I make it a regular habit of putting way too much on my plate. (It is a bit odd since I appreciate the simplicity in life more...
Running off the Rails of a Crazy Train: 5 Steps to Simplify and Re-prioritize Your Life
Do you ever feel like your life is speeding by, then every time you start to get the hang of things, the game changes and you are left spinning out of control? If you said no, I envy you. You have your shit straight and know how to prioritize. You have no reason to...
Meditation Monday – Just for a Minute!
Have you ever woken up and written off your day before even getting out of bed? Mondays are usually connected with a negative connotation, Manic Mondays, Case of the Mondays, etc. I can't think of a worse way to embark on a new week than going into the first day with...
8 Ways to Stay Healthy and Sane While in “Survival Mode”
Something that has been very apparent over the past decade is that while many of us know what we should be doing to properly support our mind, body, and spirit, sometimes we go through periods that make it almost impossible to actually meet all of the ideals....
Self-Care In Chaotic Times
When I first started traveling regularly in 2015, I quickly adapted a "preparation-mode". I'd book flights, arrange and rearrange my schedule, figure out where I would be laying my head at night, you know, the details that take just as much time as the trips...
6 Simple Ways to Brighten Up Any Day
I love the colors of fall. The season is changing and along with it come bonfires, hoodies, trips to the apple orchards, and more activities than I know what to do with. Every year around this time, however, I always seem to get a shift in perspective... the "blahs"...
Get Lost to Be Present
I am known to be guilty from time to time of getting completely wrapped up in my life. Sounds pretty normal right? It is somewhere I don't like to be. I love my life, I am grateful for my life, but I want to experience it, not focus on it. It's like when I am wrapped...
Beauty in Challenging Times
I love my family, I love my work, and I absolutely feel I have been extremely blessed in life. I am so grateful for the opportunity to travel and get to teach others about essential oils and the business behind it. However, I am going to be relieved when this four...
6 Tips to Stay Healthy and Sane While Traveling
After quickly going from someone who rarely travels to someone who is away more than they are home, I have learned some hard lessons while on the road. Ask for Help If you are like me and cling to self-reliance like it's the last drop of water and you are dying of...
Why I Don’t Make New Year’s Resolutions
Every year I hear ambitious resolutions from many people around me. Usually these resolutions are to quit something, start something, or change something. Pretty basic, right? I personally haven't made a New Year's resolution in years because they have never seemed to...
My Final Day with My Last Name
My time as "Ashlie Sykora" is drawing to an end. A last name I hated growing up because it was different, hard to pronounce, hard to spell. As I entered my late teens, however, I began to embrace it. I began to love the sound of it. I appreciated that it wasn't...
Finding Strength in Surrender
Ever felt like you are continuously on the verge of drowning? I have. That feeling of frantically treading water just to stay where you are. Like everything in the world is going against you. Here's. Your. Sign. I find that when everything I do feels like a constant...
A Slice of Pure Serenity in a Sick Day
For having a chronic illness, I don’t get “sick-sick” very often. When I do, I get knocked flat on my butt! That has been the theme this past week. All self-induced, all worth it. Last night as I headed to bed for my night sleep, I was full of gratitude. The day had...