A lot of people tend to backslide on their wellness, fitness, and weight loss goals over the holiday season. It is a bit easier to justify when you are super busy and the New Year is right around the corner, along with New Year’s resolutions. It’s one of the meanest things we can do to ourselves… intentionally backsliding on our goals, making our future self have to pay the price.

A holiday workout plan does not have to be time-consuming or difficult. In fact, there are plenty of ways to make it fun and motivating. The most important thing is to make time for it and be committed to getting it done, even if you don’t think you have the time available.

Maintaining your clean eating habits isn’t impossible either. In fact, you can make it pretty simple. The less of a big deal you make out of it, the easier it is to do.

Rarely does a person say Man, I am so upset that I chose to eat healthy. And once your workout is done for the day, you’ll be glad you did it and be eager to do it again the next day. Same goes for meditation, journaling, and anything else you do to maintain your natural level of awesome.

Here are 10 Ways to End the Year so You Aren’t Starting 2017 Behind Where You Are Now

  • Schedule your workouts like you would a meeting.
  • Get 7-8 hours of sleep at least 3 times a week (ideally every night!).
  • Hit the sack and wake up at the same time every day, including weekends.
  • Walk outside in the sunlight to beat the seasonal sadness that tends to happen to many.
  • Organize a holiday get together at the gym or an outdoor activity.
  • Throw your own party to ensure healthy food is served.
  • Give the gift of health to yourself!
  • Go easy on the caffeinated drinks. They deplete you of vitamins and can disrupt sleep.   Peppermint and wild orange essential oils are a great pick-me-up that won’t end in a crash.
  • Try some time-efficient, calorie-incinerating workouts such as jumping rope, running, and training on cardio machines. 30 minutes three times a week is all it takes.
  • Skip the elevator or escalator and opt for the stairs.
  • Dance at the holiday party, burn calories and have fun.
  • Get ahead of the curve! Come January 1st when the gyms are packed with people who made weight loss a resolution, you will already be well on your way!


If the idea of staying fit over the holidays still stresses you out, I’ve created a little holiday gift for you. Download my Naturally Healthy Holiday Survival Guide for some much needed back up when you need it the most!

Get Your Free Survival Guide

How do you stay on top of your wellness game over the holiday season? Share with us in the comments below!


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